Post Natal 12 Week Course
Online Exercise Classes
A Post Natal Course to build up your Pelvic Floor and Core Strength after birth.
Classes begin by working on the Core Foundations by using the breath to activate your Pelvic Floor and Transverse Abdominus, followed by progression with Dynamic Movement, Stability, Improving Posture and onto Functional Exercises. These classes are designed to reconnect with your core and build up your strength for life as a Mum.
From belly breathing to functional exercises, Nurtured PT has created a range of online classes designed to reconnect with your core and build up your full body strength at home:
Unlimited access to classes
Each class 15 - 30mins
Improve your everyday strength, balance & posture
If you have any underlying health conditions such as heart problems, breathing problems, diabetes or joint problems, you should contact your GP before starting any new exercises.
12 Weeks of Unlimited Exercise Classes ONLY £80
Do you need help?
Benefits of Exercise
ref. Physio-pedia
"Patients with neurological disorders who exercise experience less stiffness, as well as reduction in, and even reversal of muscle wasting."
"Research also has shown that exercise can improve gait, balance, tremor, flexibility, grip strength and motor coordination in patients with Parkinson’s disease."
"The best way to achieve these benefits is to exercise on a consistent basis. People with Parkinson's enrolled in exercise programs longer than six months, have shown significant gains compared to programs of only two to ten week duration."